Every day, over 4500 metric tonnes of mixed solid waste is unscientifically disposed at two open landfills at the margins of Chennai, resulting in fire, green house emission and groundwater contamination. Consequently, health of residents in the vicinity is severly affected by the landfills.

For a more sustained waste management approach, Indian legislature has passed the Solid Waste and Plastic Waste Management Rules 2016 with several progressive features like segregated collection of waste in three streams, a comprehensive door-to-door collection service including informal settlements, integration of informal waste pickers into the system, payment for carry bags and even an Extended Producers Responsibility, so that plastic producers have to build up a system to collect back their products.

GarbageWatch tries to implement those laws on a local basis in Chennai by urging the local authorities to stick to the deadlines in form of RTIs, engaging for adequate waste service in neglected, less well-off areas and developing a guideline for institutions how to handle waste independently.

For more information, visit: https://chennaigarbagewatch.wordpress.com