4th Anniversary of Martyrdom of Late Neli Chakho & Dikho Loshou


The 4th Anniversary of the martyrdom of (Lt) Mr. Neli Chakho & (Lt) Mr. Dikho Loshuo will be observed on the 6th May 2014 at Martyrs’ Park, Mao Gate at 11 AM. The two promising students were gunned down by the armed police force of the communal Government of Manipur(GoM) on the 6th of May, 2010 when the Naga public was carrying out a peaceful protest at Mao town  against the GoM’s ban on the home visit of Mr. Th. Muivah, the Chief Naga Negotiator.

The programme is being organised by the Mao Council under the aegis of the United Naga Council and in collaboration with the All Naga Students’ Associationand the Mao Students’ Union. Dignitaries from the Naga Hoho, Naga Students’ Federation, Naga Mothers’ Association, Tribe Councils, Regional Council and frontal organizations will be participating in the programme.

Publicity Wing
United Naga Council