In the post globalization period the alienation of adivasis and indigenous people from their natural resources has increased manifold. Alienation of Adivasi/ Indigenous People’s land has a centuries old history. This process of alienation – of land in particular – caused by non-tribal migration into adivasi/indigenous peoples areas continues even to this day. The new regime of allowing huge investments is adding further to this form of alienation. In the post independent period most of the dams built for irrigation, power generation, flood control etc. submerged huge tracts of adivasi land. Lakhs of adivasis displaced from these mega dams, never rehabilitated, turned into cheap labour for India’s cities, towns and industrial complexes. The process of alienation has further worsened in the past couple of decades owing to an open door policy of investment. Thus adivasis all over the country are facing a threat of total alienation from natural resources essential for their survival.
Adivasis have launched and led several successful movements against alienation from their ancestral lands. While the struggle continues what is noteworthy is the pro-corporate attitude of the Indian judiciary. The thin line that blurs the division between the government and the judiciary has further thinned.
While some communities of India have developed the capacity to successfully bargain with the state to win various kinds of demands, the adivasis in the remote regions face greater challenges. The Other Media is concerned about developing strategies to support and accompany such movements and organizations.