The recent years have seen a heightened activity of religious intolerance and active propagation of the politics of hate.  Forces which have been lying dormant in the last four years have become suddenly active since the past one year.  This has resulted in increased attacks on dalits, adivasis and minorities.  Religious fundamentalism amongst the minority communities – particularly Muslim – has also been on the rise owing to a deep sense of injustice and lack of democratic space.  The phenomenon is also a part of an international trend. This has resulted in young men from the Muslim community turning to violence to express their anger and pursue a religion as they see it.

Terrorist and communal attacks across India in 2008 have resulted in further alienation of the large society of the minorities. Police action of targeting persons remotely connected to bomb blasts and its intimidation of all Muslims has further alienated the already besieged community. The Christian community is hurt by the way the governments have colluded with the Hindu fanatics in committing communal crimes. The campaign by the police and a section of the Indian media that uses Islamic symbols synonymously with terrorist acts, has left a large number of people belonging to the Muslim community deeply hurt.  Every Muslim is being asked to prove her patriotism thus further deepening the process of alienation. The media campaign and terrorist attacks have turned a large number of erstwhile Hindu liberals into believing the untruths and half-truths dished out by them. The anti-Muslim and, indeed, anti-minority feeling amoung the Hindus is dangerously on the rise.

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