The Desk’s objective is to open up democratic space for pollution-impacted communities to effectively voice their concerns and be heard. It pursues this objective by providing communities with capacity-enhancing resources (technical, legal, solidarity, strategic) through meetings, skills exchanges and trainings, and through interactions with others similarly placed. CAD believes that for the environmental health work in the country to mature into a movement, alliances need to be promoted among pollution-impacted communities, between communities fighting same/similar adversaries and/or issues, and between such communities and other non-traditional partners such as labour, public interest professionals, and most importantly,  middle-class city-dwellers. Given the global nature of businesses, and the relative isolation of many of the communities victimised by corporate abuses of environment and human rights, CAD also sees it as imperative to assist local communities in placing their struggles within a  global context. In other words, CAD seeks to foster grassroots globalisation by linking local struggles to allies in locations, including other countries, from where their corporate adversaries originate, and by introducing new tools for challenging corporations in a globalised world.

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